+234-7083611621, +234-8165744490

B.Eng. Computer Engineering Programme

About B.Eng. Computer Engineering

Elizade University was established in 2012 through due process of obtaining approval for the establishment of the University. After applying to the Federal Government of Nigeria through the National Universities Commission (NUC), the approval for the establishment of Elizade University was granted by the Federal Government of Nigeria on February 22, 2012. The approval was conveyed vide the Provisional License to operate as a Private University No. 46 dated February 28, 2012 issued by the National Universities Commission.

Following the approval of the Federal Government, the University started academic activities during the 2012/2013 academic session. The pioneer students of the university resumed on January 6, 2013. The Engineering Faculty at the Elizade University commenced in September, 2013 during the 2013/2014 academic session.
The Bachelor of Engineering programme in Computer Engineering took-off in the 2013/2014 academic session. As one of the pioneer departments in the Faculty of Engineering, the Department commenced academic activities at the beginning of 2013/2014 academic session.

Elizade University aims to attract the best and the brightest students in Nigeria and beyond. The main aim is to provide them with practical-oriented scientific, technological and arts education which shall make them self-reliant while preparing them for future leadership and success in their chosen careers in the highly competitive new knowledge society.


According to the Washington Accord Graduate Attributes adopted by the Washington Accord signatories, an engineer who is trained based on these attributes listed, can design solutions for complex problems based on the development of engineering activities that involve some or all the programme learning outcomes detailed below. These POs are the measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills that our students would achieve upon completion of their 5 Years Academic Program. All 12 POs defined in COREN Manual are encompassed in the POs of the Department.

PO1 - Engineering Knowledge

Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural and engineering, sciences, mechanical engineering fundamentals, and engineering principles to the solve complex engineering problems.

PO2 - Problem Analysis

Identify, formulate, conduct research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences and principles.

PO3 - Design/Development of Solutions

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4 – Investigation

Conduct investigation of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5 - Modern Tool Usage

Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6 - The Engineer and Society

Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems.

PO7 - Environment and Sustainability

Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work in the solutions of complex engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts.

PO8 - Ethics

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

PO9 - Individual and Teamwork

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.

PO10 - Communication

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11 - Project Management

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12 - Life Long Learning

Recognise the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


The underlying philosophy of the Computer Engineering programme revolves around the need to join the key players in the present revolution in the computing and digital world. The teaching and research are based on sound academic foundation as well as practical orientation that will be sufficient to make them employable in the industries. The philosophy of the programme in Computer programme is to produce graduate Engineers that combine sound theoretical background with practical skills to enable them take up challenging positions in the engineering industries, public service and the academia directly and also to reach a level of practical sufficiency that would enable them to be self-employed. This is in line with the University’s mission and vision “to be a globally competitive institution that produces entrepreneurial, innovative and ethical graduates” that possess “appropriate skills and knowledge for the development of the nation and global competitiveness”.

Aim and Objective


The Computer Engineering Programme Educational Objectives describe the expectations of our graduates after a few years of work experience by contributing to the society through modern technologies and practices. The objectives of the programme are to produce graduate Engineers; 

  1. Develop graduates who possess a strong foundation in computer engineering principles and techniques, enabling them to solve complex problems and contribute to technological advancements.
  2. Foster an entrepreneurial mindset among students, equipping them with the skills to identify opportunities, innovate, and transform ideas into successful ventures in the computer engineering industry.
  3. Cultivate a culture of research and innovation, encouraging students to engage in cutting-edge research and develop novel  solutions to address the evolving challenges of the modern world.
  4. Promote collaborative and ethical practices, instilling in students the ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, communicate ideas clearly, and uphold the highest professional and ethical standards.
  5. Prepare graduates to be influential leaders in the field of computer engineering, by providing practical experiences, mentorship, and opportunities for professional growth, enabling them to make a significant impact on society and shape a better future through the power of computer engineering.


5 years

We are delighted to furnish you with information that will assist you in achieving your goal to study at Elizade University.

Admission Requirements

  1. Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) Admission to 100 Level is through the UTME of the Joint Admission Matriculation Board Examination in subjects such as English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. To be eligible for admission, candidates must have a minimum of five credit pass in the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level), or West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or NECO, IJMB or its equivalent at not more than two (2) sittings in the following subjects: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and English Language. UTME Subjects: English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics.
  2. Direct Entry In addition to the requirements specified above in (a), candidates seeking admission to 200 Level must possess i. National Diploma (ND) at Upper Credit Level or equivalent in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering or related discipline from recognised institutions, or ii. Good passes at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level), JUPEB or its equivalent in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
  3. Transfer From Other Institution: Any candidate transfering from Computer Engineering or related courses in another University to Computer Engineering programme in Elizade University will have to present the academic transcript of courses taken so far. The courses in Computer Engineering curriculum taken and passed by the candidate in the transcript presented  will be waived while the rest will be taken by the candidate.

100 Level First Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 GST 109 Use of Library Study Skills & ICT Literacy
2 GNE 101 Introduction to Computer Technology R
3 GST 111 Citizenship and Human Kinetics Education
4 GST 101 Communication in English I
5 PHY 103 Practical Physics I
6 CHM 103 Practical Chemistry I
7 MTH 101 General Mathematics I
8 CHM 101 General Chemistry I
9 PHY 101 General Physics I
10 ELP 101 Entrepreneurial Leadership I

100 Level Second Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 ELP 102 Entrepreneurial Leadership II
2 PHY 106 Properties of Matter
3 GNE 104 Introduction to Computational Software
4 PHY 102 General Physics II
5 GST 102 Communication in English II
6 GNE 106 Introduction to Engineering Drawing
7 GNE 102 Engineer–in–Society
8 GST 114 Philosophy, Logic and Issues in Science of Human Existence
9 CHM 102 General Chemistry II
10 MTH 102 General Mathematics II
11 MTH 104 Vectoral Analysis
12 PHY 104 Practical Physics II
13 CHM 104 Practical Chemistry II

200 Level First Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 GNE 255 Applied Mechanics
2 GNE 257 Fundamentals Electrical Engineering I
3 GST 215 Entrepreneurship I
4 CSC 201 Computer Programming I
5 ELP 201 Communication for Impact I
6 GNE 259 Materials Science
7 GNE 297 Fundamentals Electrical Engineering Laboratory I
8 GNE 251 Engineering Drawing I
9 GNE 253 Engineering Mathematics I
10 GNE 251 Engineering Drawing I

200 Level Second Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 GNE 298 Fundamentals Electrical Engineering Laboratory II
2 GST 216 Entrepreneurship II
3 GNE 258 Fundamentals Electrical Engineering II
4 GNE 296 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Laboratory I
5 GNE 254 Engineering Mathematics II
6 GNE 256 Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics
7 GNE 262 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
8 CPE 252 Introduction to Digital Systems
9 GNE 260 Strength of Materials I
10 GST 210 Introduction to Musicology
11 ELP 202 Communication for Impact II
12 GNE 252 Workshop Practice

300 Level First Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 EEE 359 Analog Circuits & Devices
2 GNE 351 Engineering Mathematics III
3 ELP 301 Data and Decisions I
4 CPE 353 Low Level Language Programming
5 CPE 351 Digital Systems Design with VHDL
6 EEE 357 Electric Circuits
7 CPE 355 Digital System Design Laboratory
8 EEE 351 Electromagnetic Fields
9 EEE 355 Physical Electronics

300 Level Second Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 CPE 356 Information System Analysis and Design
2 EEE 354 Electromagnetic Waves
3 CPE 360 Object-Oriented Programming
4 CPE 354 Computer Engineering Laboratory
5 GNE 354 Engineering Communication
6 CPE 358 Operating Systems Principles
7 CPE 352 Computer Architecture and Organization
8 ELP 302 Data and Decisions II
9 GNE 352 Engineering Mathematics IV

400 Level First Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 CPE 451 Data Communication and Networks
2 CPE 453 Microprocessor Technology and Interfacing
3 EEE 453 Control Systems I
4 CPE 457 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
5 EEE 457 Communication Principles
6 GNE 451 Engineering Statistics
7 CPE 455 Microprocessor Design Laboratory
8 CPE 459 Data Structure and Analysis of Algorithms
9 CPE 400 Student Industrial Work Experience II (SIWES II)

400 Level Second Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 CPE 400 Student Industrial Work Experience II (SIWES II)
2 CPE 300 Student Industrial Work Experience I (SIWES I)
3 CPE 200 Student Work Experience Programme (SWEP)

500 Level First Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 CPE 563 Computer Graphics and Animation
2 CPE 555 Industrial Application Studies and Innovations
3 CPE 565 Cryptography Principles and Applications
4 CPE 557 Artificial Neural Networks and Programming
5 GNE 551 Engineering Law and Management
6 EEE 571 Introduction to Mechatronics Design
7 ELP 401 Projects and Impact of Technology on Industry I
8 EEE 551 Digital Signal Processing
9 CPE 551 Individual Project I with Seminar Presentation
10 CPE 561 Wireless Networks
11 CPE 553 Embedded Systems Design

500 Level Second Semester

# Code Title Units Type
1 CPE 556 Modelling and Simulation
2 CPE 566 Intelligent Systems Design
3 ELP 402 Projects and Impact of Technology on Industry II
4 GNE 552 Engineering Economics and Valuation
5 CPE504 Robotics and Automation
6 CPE 560 Mobile and Cloud Computing
7 CPE 552 Individual Project II with Seminar Presentation
8 CPE 564 Hardware Systems Studies
9 CPE 568 Human Language Processing and Application
10 CPE 562 Information Security Techniques
11 CPE 558 Digital Image Processing
12 CPE572 Cyberpreneurship and Cyberlaw
13 CPE 570 Project Management