+234-7083611621, +234-8165744490


Name Dr. Olugbenga Samson Onile
Phone +2348133109389

Dr. Onile focused on global profiling of human genes and proteins using harmonising MULTI-OMICS approaches to detect the biomarkers of normal physiology as well as pathological states of organisms. By the use of combined molecular approach, factors responsible for specific and non-specific condition of different genetic variation can be established within studied population. His research focused on field and molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases (mostly Neglected Tropical Disease-NTDs such as Schistosomiasis, Toxoplasmosis, Onchocerciasis etc). It also involve discovering molecular biomarkers for purposes like disease diagnosis, prediction and identification of possible vaccine candidates, as well as to gain understanding into host-pathogen relationship. With the employment of advanced molecular approaches such as bio-computation (Bioinformatics tools), genotyping and quantitative proteomics using mass spectrometry, it will be achievable to monitor different study groups that represent stages in diseases progression, response to/effect of identified vaccines and biomarkers in disease diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Onile is also interested in establishing the relationship between chronic infection and associated pathologies, thereafter employ several non-invasive molecular methods to screen for genetic susceptibility to diseases, associated pathologies and also identify arrays of biomarkers for early diagnosis of the disease, using different bio-fluids like serum and urine of patients from NTDs endemic communities. Dr. Onile is a recipient of the America Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene travel Award in 2017 where he presented a paper titled “Quantitative proteomic analysis of the human urine for novel protein biomarkers for schistosomiasis and its pathologies using label-free mass spectrometry” at the society 66th Annual general meeting. He is also involved in a short term Short-Term Research Exchange program at the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa in the year 2016. Dr. Onile has shared his experience as resource person in several bioinformatics workshop across universities in Nigeria.  


Rank Reader
Department Biological Sciences Department


Certificate Institution Year
PhD University of Ibadan, Nigeria 2017

Work Experience

Employer Address Duration Position
Oct 2023 — Reader
May 2020 — Director School of Foundation Studies


(2023). Physiochemical analyses and molecular characterization of heavy metal-resistant bacteria from Ilesha gold mining sites in Nigeria View
(2023). Computer-aided analysis of quercetin mechanism of overcoming docetaxel resistance in docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer View
(2023). Unravelling the anti-inflammatory mechanism of Allium cepa: an integration of network pharmacology and molecular docking approaches View
(2022). Socio-cultural and environmental determinants of a proposed schistosomiasis health education intervention in Eggua, Nigeria View
(2022). Immunoinformatics studies and design of a potential multi-epitope peptide vaccine to combat the fatal visceral leishmaniasis View
(2021). Designing a conserved peptide-based subunit vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 using immunoinformatics approach View
(2021). Spatial distribution and ecology of soil parasites and Schistosoma haematobium infection in Eggua, Nigeria View
(2021). Designing multi-epitope subunit vaccine for ocular trachoma infection using Chlamydia trachomatis polymorphic membrane proteins G View
(2020). Designing multiepitope subunit vaccine for Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Immunoinformatic approach View
(2020). Evaluation of the mosquito Repellency properties and antibacterial effects of lemon grass (Cymbopogon Citratus) extracts View
(2020). An immunoinformatics approach for the design of a multi-epitope subunit vaccine for urogenital schistosomiasis View
(2020). Development of multiepitope subunit protein vaccines against Toxoplasma gondii using an immunoinformatics approach View
(2020). SLC11A1 gene polymorphism in adults co-infected with helminth and latent tuberculosis in Yewa, Ogun state View
(2020). IL4, IL13, GSTM1 and T1 variants and susceptibility to Schistosomiasis and associated bladder pathologies in Eggua, Nigeria View
(2020). Co-infection of schistosomiasis, malaria, HBV and HIV among adults living in Eggua Community, Ogun State, Nigeria View
(2020). Exploration of surface glycoprotein to design multi-epitope vaccine for the prevention of Covid-19 View
(2018). Metabolite profiling for biomarkers in Schistosoma haematobium infection and associated bladder pathologies View
(2018). Arsenicosis in bladder pathology and schistosomiasis in Eggua, Nigeria View
(2018). Selection of T cell epitopes from S. mansoni Sm23 protein as a vaccine construct, using Immunoinformatics approach View
(2018). DNA Technology: A Viable Contrivance in Forensic Science View
(2017). Quantitative label-free proteomic analysis of human urine to identify novel candidate protein biomarkers for schistosomiasis View
(2017). Determining the environmental, social and cultural contexts of a proposed schistosomiasis health education intervention in Eggua, Yewa North Local Government area, Ogun State View
(2016). Detection of urinary tract pathology in some Schistosoma haematobium infected Nigerian adults View
(2014). Developmental signaling genes in ameloblastoma View
(2014). Understanding the Phylogenetics and Evolution of Genus Schistosoma-Africa and Asia Stand Point View
(2014). Relationship between physico-chemical parameters and phylogenetics study of human low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) View

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